
"As an entrepreneur most of my life, I have been involved in some types of businesses, including several network marketing businesses. Since past experience I never positive (or I should say not beneficial) I was pretty set against joining another MLM. Organo Gold has changed my whole perception and for many different reasons. benefit that offers people is amazing. I see it as a win-win situation for myself and for everyone that I have the potential to achieve. I am very excited to be part of this company. "- Jose L.

"I never liked green tea before no matter what brand I tried, but I love Organo Gold Green Tea. I used to buy mochas from specialty coffee shops, but Organo Gold Mocha is every bit as delicious." - Holly H. , Victoria, BC, Canada

"I was introduced to Organo Gold by my sponsor, Theresa H, and very skeptical. I'ma would have never tried this product on my own. I decided to try and drink every day for a week. I seem to have more a lot of energy every day and definitely would say things that were happening to my body. Just above all a sense of "well being." I sold, and now I am on a mission to tell anyone who will listen what a difference it can make in their lives. I have a Latte in the morning and drink green tea all day. Thank you OG, Feeling Good! Looking Good "- Nancy R., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

"I am Organo Gold's number one fan! I love Ganoderma and since I started taking it I was stopped. I've never had so much energy ... People think I'm in my 20's and not 40. I want everyone to feel this every day good "- Anne B., Nanaimo, BC, Canada

"OG products we have taken have helped improve concentration at work. We feel better overall and more alert." - Shane and Jessica V., Pueblo, Colorado

"Since I have been drinking Organo Gold coffee I've experienced less stress and better health. I have been in the product for over six weeks and feel great." - Bob P., Magnolia, Texas

"We love the taste of OG coffee! We have more energy, we sleep better than ever before and wake up refreshed. Our family loves this business and we ALL can do things that generate coffee income! That time could not be more appropriate for Organo Gold. "- Miles & Jackie A. Family, Magnolia, Texas

"I have started to take the capsules once a day and can not believe the energy I have! I work at the forefront of an acute care hospital and I truly believe that the benefits of ganoderma will help me stay healthy to handle whatever nature throws my way" - Nadeane Nelson, Regina, SK, Canada

"I've been drinking black coffee since February 2009 OG and love it! If you are looking for a true black coffee experience, this drink is for you. It is a must try for any coffee fan." - Pat Wågman, Regina, SK, Canada

"I could not imagine drinking" instant coffee "after drinking brewed coffee for years, but OG coffee great. After my cup completely addicted! Organo Gold coffee is the only coffee that I will now drink. I take any -where I go. I hope everyone tries these products. "- Heather K., Calgary, AB, Canada

"I'm very grateful for Organo Gourmet Coffee and the New Hybrid Compensation Plan that rewards everyone. Drinking Ganoderma Coffee will improve my life in many ways. I am committed to sharing this message of well being. Organo Gold has really brought all the natural gifts so, and the opportunity with excellent compensation. "- PL Washington State

"Organo Gold is first class. I would be proud to take this to the White House, the Vatican, the best five-star restaurants, coffee shops or even other. This product is a real treasure. I realize I have a responsibility to help change lives and I can do that with Organo Gold.'s not hope so, it's a know so "- AB

"The Organo Gold business plan is the best. And so are the people. Thanks OG" - Pam T.